Divorce. The word alone can bring up a lot of turmoil and sore subjects for a majority of people who have gone through it. If you’re currently going through a divorce, then you probably have a foul taste in your mouth at the mere mention of the word. Divorce can drain you both emotionally and financially. If you have children in the mix, then you’re liable to have a tiresome custody battle as well. As divorce lawyers, we know how draining it can be to go through a divorce and see the repercussions of it. At Lopez & Wilmert, we strive to offer you the best resources you need during your divorce or child custody battle. By knowing everything you need to during a divorce, you’ll have the knowledge you need to come out of your divorce in a positive light. We’ve also seen people who have failed to obtain their requests of alimony, child custody, child support, and anything else they may be asking for due to trivial factors. In a world filled with technology and more specifically social media, you should always be aware of what you’re posting on the Internet.

What Rules Should I Follow When Going Through A Divorce?

Most people in the United States have cell phones, more specifically they have smartphones with easy access to the Internet. Of course, there are some who are far and few between who don’t, but for the most part, cell phones are a way to stay in contact with people and go onto social media anytime you want. From sharing pictures of pets, kids, and vacations spent in luxury, to getting into heated arguments about your opinion, social media has become an outlet for many people throughout not only the United States, but the entire world. Unfortunately, when you are going through a divorce there are a few rules you need to follow so you’re able to obtain the requests you seek. One of the rules you need to follow is to stop posting on social media. You might find this extremely difficult to do, but in the long run, it will help you during your divorce. Social media outlets include: LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Tumblr, Reddit, and even Pinterest.

In addition, if you’ve decided to get back in the saddle again and sign up for a dating website, then consult with a divorce lawyer to figure out what to do because signing up for a dating website is very harmful to your case. By signing up for a dating website you are demonstrating that you may have been cheating during your marriage – even if you didn’t – and it also can lead to problems in your divorce and custody case. If you are going through a divorce, refrain from signing up on a dating website until it’s finalized. When you are going through a divorce, it’s best to disconnect from social media, dating websites and apps, and even watch what you write in e-mails and text messages. For more information on the rules during a divorce, contact your divorce lawyer.

What Can Be Used As Evidence In A Divorce?

In short, everything can be used against you in a divorce, especially if you post on social media about your personal life. From text messages, e-mails, dating apps, and your finances are all fair game when you are going through a divorce. If you have children, then be even more careful of what you post on social media. For example, if you posted about that fun time you had last weekend with your friends where multiple pictures of drinking were taken, then that could be very detrimental to your divorce and custody cases. Social media has opened up many new doors when it comes to divorce and essentially anything you do can be evidence in a divorce case. Social media has also made it extremely easy to gather evidence against the opposite party.

Does Social Media Impact Divorce?

Yes, social media does impact a divorce. From dating websites and apps to posting about spending lots of money on a new materialistic item, if you post on social media you will find the evidence piling against you. For example, you start dating someone and begin to take them on vacations while posting on social media, that’s evidence that can be used against you for asking for alimony, especially if you claim you don’t have money. If you are partying every weekend and posting pictures about it, then that can be used against you when it comes to asking for custody for your child. The best rule to follow is to stay away from social media, don’t delete it because that’s a destruction of evidence, just take it off your phone and take a little vacation from social media.

Do you want to learn more about the dos and don’ts during a divorce? Continue reading our blog or contact a divorce lawyer today by filling out the form below for a consultation to learn more.

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