dreamstime_xxl_8091494Your child’s best interests are always at the forefront of your mind. You want to make sure that everything is best for his or her wellbeing. When you go through a divorce, sometimes you forget that your child’s best interests need to come first. Getting a divorce can be challenging for everyone involved, and it’s hard to overcome your own sorrows to ensure your child is doing okay with the situation. When it comes to deciding custody, it can be hard for both parents to come to a conclusion. Lopez & Wilmert, LLP is a law firm focused on family law in La Mesa, CA. We want to make sure that you are able to keep your custody arrangement as simple and mutually beneficial as possible. Sharing a child with someone else and deciding the proper custody arrangement will be a struggle, but we can help guide the way for you and your family.

Child custody can take place if you’re going through a divorce, separation, or if you share a child with someone and are not married. Child custody arrangements are a case by case situation, and figuring out the proper custody rights can be a very difficult decision. There are many factors that come into play when deciding custody rights. If you are looking to gain custody of your child, contact one of our child custody lawyers today.

Different Types Of Custody

Below are some of the different types of custody arrangements that you and your partner can learn about. Figuring out a custody arrangement doesn’t have to be a painful experience; keep your child’s best interest in mind and pick the best situation for the child.

Physical Custody

This type of custody is the most well known type of custody arrangement. A parent will be given custody of a child by a ruling body or a court. In short, the child will live with the parent because they have the right to do so.

Legal Custody

Legal custody is when the legally awarded parent is legally allowed to make decisions about the child’s education, upbringing, and health. The parent can determine what school the child goes to, the religion that is practiced, and the medical care the child will have. In most states, a judge will determine that the arrangement will be joint legal custody so that both parents can make decisions about the child’s life.

Sole Custodydreamstime_12811249

This type of custody is awarded when one parent is insufficient to care of the child. If the parent has drug, alcohol, financial, or other types of problems, he or she may be seen as unfit to take care of the child. Another way a parent can be unfit is if he or she is living with a new partner who is unfit to be around or care for the child. The parent who is awarded sole custody is the one who is shown to be able to take care of the child in the best way possible.

Joint Custody

Joint Custody is when both parents make decisions on behalf of the child. Even though the parents don’t live together, they are still able to make decisions for the child together. Together, they are able to determine the child’s best interests.

Contact A Child Custody Lawyer

We can help you figure out what is the best situation for your child. The most important factor to remember is that your child is what matters most. The best interests of the child might not match what you or your partner want to do. It’s essential to put the children first in these cases, so they are able to have what they need physically and emotionally. At Lopez & Wilmert, we understand the needs of a custody case.

Contact us to find a family lawyer that has your best interests in mind for you.